Monday, 12 October 2015

Unit 78: A1 Understanding Digital Graphics in Computer Games

First game.(Mega man for the NES)

The first game we are going to be looking at is mega man for the Nintendo Entertainment system. the image resolution for this game is pretty bad as the game is in 8 bit. this is a way of storing image information represented as one 8 bit byte. this means there can only be 256 colours on screen at on time. this is because of technical limitations at the time for the NES.

as you can see in the picture the background is very basic stuff, while the player (the person in blue) and the enemies around him are quite complicated. this helps the player differentiate between the both of them. 

The artistic style for this game is very distinguishable as it is pixel art. pixel art is of course associated with either retro games or games that go for a retro artistic style, pixel art is used in many ways for example sprite charts. these are used to make the animations for everything that moves in the game. these images are definitely stored as rasters as the edges of all of the sprites and backgrounds have a kind of blocky edge to them, this is really prevalent in the main character if you look quite closely 

this image i captured shows that the picture is not very intense and there are not a lot of colours on the screen, mainly blue's green's and reds due to the technical limitations at the time of the consoles and the games release. i believe the background of this image would be saved as either a BMP or a jpeg. i'm leaning more towards BMP as this loses less data when compressed but i could be wrong.

Second game (Battlefield 4)

As you can tell from this image already that these are two completely different games. the most obvious difference is that one is a 2d game while the other being a 3d game.

First of lets talk about the artistic style of this image/game. what the developers have obviously gone for is a photo realistic style as most wars games tend to do as it is normally the industry standard, this works very well with this game as i don't think any other artistic style could portray such beautiful scenery without doing it any justice. it also sets the tone for the player playing the game making it way more immersive for them. this is completely different to the other game as it is not at all photo realistic and is in fact the complete opposite.

the image resolution of this picture is definitely very high as you can spot a lot of different things in the image, definitely a high intensity going on in this image. a lot of texture art going on in this scene as well. more than likely saved as something that doesn't lose much if not any data while compressing. this can be said about the background as well. unlike the textures though the background image does in fact appear to be static, completely separate to the area of play. this would also more than likely be saved as a file extension that supports vector images like a PSD, WMF ect. this is also different to the other image as nothing in this image appears to be jagged around the edges everything is very smooth and straight just like a vector image is suppose to be and look like.

the GUI, or the graphical user interface, for this game is very minimalist, i think this is to help immerse the player even more than if it had a massive GUI. as you can see even the GUI looks very sleek and with a great resolution to go with it. with a war game you wont need to have that big of GUI as there is simply no need. a map, health meter and bullet reading is pretty much all you need in terms of GUI needs. 

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